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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

17th Annual Santa For Seniors Drive Begins

  The 17th Annual Santa for Seniors Christmas drive has begun with both donations and applications currently being accepted. 

  Santa for Seniors is a program designed to provide necessities and a little holiday cheer for Lawrence County's senior citizens and shut-ins.

   Although most are blessed with family members and friends who will make certain that they enjoy yet another holiday season, many experience overwhelming loneliness, sadness, and feelings of isolation and depression during the holiday period.

Many of these residents are overlooked during the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. Santa for Seniors is an effort to remind these residents that the community cares, and that they are not forgotten.

   Items often requested by program recipients include: 

   In addition, a number of those listed are diabetic and would benefit from special diabetic foods that are often too expensive for purchase by those on a fixed income.

These items make for a very special treat. Fresh fruit will also be accepted during the last few days of the drive.

   Donations may be dropped off weekdays between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. at WLX Radio Station, 1212 North Locust Avenue. The deadline for donations is Monday, December 16, 2013.

   Please note that ALL TELEPHONE INQUIRIES should be directed to 931-629-0240 or 931-629-2181 (NOT the Lawrence County Advocate or WLX – Thanks!!).

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